
We are the distributor for BrickStop and Techniseal.

Please click on distributor logo to visit their websites to view products.


Brickstop is your one-stop shop for all your hardscaping needs from paver edgers, paver and block cutters, bundle buggies, paver handling equipment, clamps, lifters, adhesives, nails, paver and retaining wall lighting and our new line of LED outdoor landscape lighting. Brickstop is the home of The B.E.A.S.T., North America’s #1 selling plastic paver edging.


Pioneer in the development of solutions for the maintenance of exterior surfaces, Techniseal® has been world leader for over 30 years in the field of Polymeric jointing sand and renowned manufacturer of products for the cleaning and protection of concrete pavers. Created in 1984, the company offers professional products to the industry in United‑States, Canada, Europe and Australia.